Mariette BrownMariette has been carving off and on for 25 years. It started out with an elective class to complete her natural science illustration program. A quick 180 - and sculpture became her primary focus. Over the years she has taken sculpture and carving classes and workshops at Rhode Island School of Design, Lyme Academy of Fine Arts and the Carving Studio and Sculpture Center in Rutland VT.
Mariette's stone pieces have been accepted at Connecticut Academy of Fine Art shows, Norwich Free Academy statewide juried shows, Lyme Art Association and Essex Art Association juried shows and elsewhere. She takes inspiration from nature and organic forms, and loves sketching and watercolor painting as well. Lately some of her paintings have gotten new life as miniature paper sculptures, a direction she finds energizing. This has also segued into mini kinetic wearable art, AKA earrings. Stay tuned for more on this exciting development! |